Why Give to The Foundation?
Why entrust your assets to us?
An endowment fund in your name, family name or that of a loved one is a lasting way to support your favorite charitable causes throughout your life and leave a legacy long after you are gone. It is a powerful way to pass on the lessons of philanthropy to your children . . . and theirs.
We work hard to make giving easy and meaningful for donors and the causes they care about by:
Accepting a wide variety of gift types (cash, stocks, life insurance, property);
Offering many fund types. You can name a fund or designate an area of interest or specific charity to benefit;
Sharing our community needs expertise;
You get the charitable deduction right away; and
Endowing funds so that your charitable wishes create a permanent legacy.
The Broadview Heights Community Foundation provides local expertise:
The Broadview Heights Community Foundation has deep roots in the city, is governed by a strong board consisting of local leaders who can help ensure that your giving is meaningful, efficient and effective.
We make it convenient:
We make charitable giving easy. Once a fund is established, recommending a grant is as simple as sending a note or email. Local investment managers invest the funds. We do all of the paperwork and your IRS reporting will be significantly reduced or even eliminated.
Why not give directly to the charity I care about?
By all means, we encourage you to continue supporting the charities you care about. Giving through The Broadview Heights Community Foundation can benefit the causes you care about because of: our commitment to endowment (meaning your gift makes a permanent impact) and our ability to accept complex gifts. One named fund at The Broadview Heights Community Foundation can support multiple causes, if you so choose.
We provide flexibility for your giving:
We have efficient means of accepting a wide variety of tax-deductible assets — cash, appreciated and privately held stock, real estate and other personal property.
Three easy steps to making a gift:
Think about how you want your gift to make a difference;
Think about what type of gift you want to make (cash, stock, property, life insurance, etc.); and
Contact The Broadview Heights Community Foundation to discuss your gift idea. We will work out the details together, and include your professional advisor, if you choose.