About Us
In 2008, area civic leaders met to generate ideas that would enhance the quality of life in Broadview Heights. One of the group’s suggestions was to establish a community foundation.
What is a community foundation? A community foundation is an independent, non-profit organization that oversees charitable funds, large and small, that are donated to benefit the community.
The Broadview Heights Community Foundation was established in 2009 as a public charity that enables community-minded citizens to make the most of their charitable giving while improving the quality of life in Broadview Heights. The Foundation gives individuals, families, businesses, and nonprofit organizations the opportunity to make a profound impact on our community by donating to the Foundation with the knowledge that all donations will stay in Broadview Heights and benefit the community. Additionally, individuals, families, businesses and organizations will have the opportunity to create permanent charitable funds through the foundation to help Broadview Heights meet the challenges of changing times. As a qualified 501(c)(3) corporation, all donations to the Broadview Heights Community Foundation are tax deductible. Whether the contribution is $1 or $100,000, all monies collected through the foundation will be used to benefit the community.
The Foundation will identify current and emerging issues in the community, stimulate resources to address needs and opportunities, and help prepare our community for the future. It’s objective is to direct charitable contributions to the benefit of the community. The Foundation is governed by a board of leading citizens who also serve as officers of the Foundation. These individuals are knowledgeable, experienced and aware of the needs of our community.
Board of Directors:
Mayor Sam Alai
Lori Siwik
Dave DiCillo
David Belisario
Lisa Putka
Lyn Haselton
Claire Grubaugh
George Heinemann
Deborah Eyerdam
Lori Siwik
George Heinemann
Lisa Putka
Dave DiCillo